Next-Generation NAS Solutions Shake Up Storage Assumptions

Vortrag 25: Christian Plitt – Quantum

The demand for network attached storage (NAS) is increasing across all industries, thanks to the growth of big data and the Internet of Things (IoT) market. Within the media and entertainment industry, this demand is growing in accord with consumers’ desire for more content at ever-higher quality levels. To address this demand, today’s content creators are working with a greater volume of content than ever, and with media files of unprecedented size. They are looking to NAS for much-needed scalability and agility in addressing dramatic growth in storage and bandwidth requirements.

While media facilities have begun adopting NAS to realize greater flexibility and cost savings, there remains a large segment of the industry that hasn’t yet found NAS technology that delivers essential scalability and straightforward management in an end-to-end solution.

The introduction of next-generation scale-out NAS solutions, however, finally empowers a broad array of media organizations to take file-based operations to a new level and to easily interconnect clients and storage in a manner consistent with their bandwidth requirements — from low-demand tasks such as rough-cut proxy editing to high-demand tasks such as VFX work and 4K editing.

This paper will describe the newest-generation NAS architecture and how this advance in Ethernet-connected storage is giving a broader variety of facilities an economical way to leverage the benefits of NAS across all areas of their operations.

Über Christian Plitt, Account Manager Media & Entertainment CE at Quantum.

Christian has a long time experience in the broadcast market, coming from leading companies in post-production and animation like Softimage and Avid he has helped building sales organizations for brands like Blue Order, Dalet and Norcom who are specialized in the field of tapeless production. Before joining Quantum he worked as an independent consultant for broadcast integration and real-time graphics projects.

Christian Plitt kann eine langjährige Erfahrung im Broadcastmarkt vorweisen. Anfangs war er für Softimage und später Avid  im Postproduktions- und Animationsbereich tätig, anschließend verantwortete er den Aufbau von Sales Kanälen bei Broadcastunternehmen wie Blue Order, Dalet und Norcom. Vor Quantum, war er als Berater für Hersteller und Produktionsunernehmen im Bereich Sendegrafik und Echtzeitproduktion mit Ventuz und Unity tätig.