Video-Cloud Solutions and Setups - Avoiding friction, extracting benefits

Vortrag 19: Georg Lenzen -

Cloud Solutions for Video and Audio are opening a variety of new opportunities to the world of live broadcasting and help to handle new requirements like publishing live on social or the challenge of contributing teams worldwide. Complexity exceeds traditional approaches quite fast, and the generic interconnection possibilities are impeding an easy identification of the best setup.

This talk is about assessing cloud solutions and presenting proven setups of existing Make.TV customers. How can I prevent that cloud solutions bring in pandoras box to my AV-Setups? Where are setups integrating cloud solutions bringing in unwanted friction and how to utilise new services to gain advantages leveraging workflow ease and revenue increase.

  • New challenges coming from delivery handling and rights management of social live stream outputs (Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, etc...) .
  • Local MCR & Cloud MCR → Hybrid Setups (customer use case: SRF (Switzerland) → Arosa Ski Production).
  • New revenue with cloud playout and automatic advertising (customer use case: ESL (Germany) → international eSports playout case to social platforms).
  • Where is receiving & routing of streams from and to the public internet relevant for broadcasters → local streaming setup vs. cloud based setups.
  • New ways to acquire live content from and over the public internet → customer use cases: Fox Sports (Brazil) / MLB-Bamtech (USA).
  • New Transport Stream Protocols for public networks - royalty free & open source! Archive benefit from SRT - Secure Reliable Transport –> Hardware Encoders & Decoders together with a SRT based Cloud Setup. 
  • Streaming, tagging and posting - automation for social platform live broadcasting.  
  • Interconnection between Cloud Setups and local Video Networks like SMPTE 2022/2110 and NDI.

Über Georg Robert Lenzen

Work Experience

  • Co. Founder & Vice President Product @Make.TV inc, Seattle since Sep 2016
  • Make.TV Live-Video-Cloud lets broadcasters and producers in the fields of News, Sports, Esports, and Entertainment, acquire and curate an infinite number of live video feeds from mobiles, social media platforms, professional devices and traditional broadcast infrastructure.
  • Co. Founder & Director Implementation Services @SMT - Streaming Media Technologies GmbH; Cologne 2010-2016
  • CTO @fotocommunity GmbH; Bonn 2005-2010
  • Developer & Technical Project Manager @GLAMUS GmbH; Bonn 1997-2006
  • Studio Production Assistant @Deutsche Welle TV; Bonn 1996-1997