UHD HDR Workflows – Part 2: Putting HDR Production into Practice

Online-Seminar - Beschreibung

  • Zeitpunkt: 16.06.2020 - 16:30 Uhr
  • Referenten: Andrew Cotton (BBC), Simon Thompson (BBC)

Andrew Cotton and Simon Thompson are two of the developers of the Hybrid Log-Gamma (HLG) HDR system.  Andrew will start his presentation will a brief introduction into the theory behind high dynamic range (HDR) television, and compare the HLG system developed by the BBC and NHK with the PQ system developed by Dolby. He will go on to explain the motivation behind HLG, and why it is particular well suited to television production and domestic viewing. Andrew will wrap-up his session with a detailed explanation of the different types of HDR/SDR format conversion, and the role that each plays in live and non-live production.

On the second day, Simon Thompson will share lessons learnt from the BBC's 2018 and 2019 live UHD HDR production trials, and use those to explain their recommended workflow for live HDR and SDR production.  Simon will illustrate the importance of understanding HDR/SDR format conversion in delivering a successful production; and introduce the EBU’s new Tech 3373 HLG Colour Bars, which were developed to address problems which came to light during the BBC’s trials.



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Jürgen Burghardt

FKTG Fernseh- und kinotechnische Gesellschaft e.V.
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