New workflows with IP and IT (including IT security)

Georg Lenzen

LTN Global Communications

Georg Lenzen verfügt über 20 Jahre Erfahrung in der Konzeption, Entwicklung und Weiterentwicklung von Internetanwendungen. Seine Karriere umspannt zwei Kontinente und reicht von Webdiensten bis hin zu Cloud-basierten Produkten. Er stellt sich weiterhin den Herausforderungen eines sich ständig verändernden globalen Marktes und leitet nun Teams bei der Entwicklung skalierbarer und äußerst zuverlässiger Lösungen für Medieninhalte.

Kurzfassung des Vortrags

Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2024
11:20 bis 13:00 Uhr

Saal 1: Themenblock Cloud, IP

Growing demands for global content consumption across digital platforms have put pressure on the video transport chain. Satellite and fiber lack the scale, agility and reach required today, and many organizations are migrating to IP-based transmission as a cost-effective and flexible alternative. However, the Internet was not originally designed to support reliable and secure live video transport at scale.

Standard internet routing architecture and protocol-only solutions built on top of thousands of internet service provider (ISP) networks don't deliver high reliability and low delay. Traffic aggregation points can become easily overwhelmed, while transit agreements are frequently capped in capacity, causing packet delay or loss.
The Internet’s underlying architecture is unicast, meaning the source location must send multiple copies of the same content — one copy for each destination, to bring a single video feed to multiple endpoints. A unicast infrastructure is restricted in its use for reliable content delivery to various destinations, failing to meet the scale of receivers required in a modern content distribution model.

To address the challenges of IP-based content delivery, LTN architected the first and only global IP network on top of the Internet to enable broadcast-quality video distribution. The LTN Network is an intelligent, proprietary global network with patented error recovery protocols and multi-carrier routing algorithms and protocols to overcome the challenges of IP-based transport, enabling the delivery of live and real-time video with 99.999% reliability and <200 ms latency. Underpinned by a multicast-enabled, managed IP transmission network, major international media organizations harness LTN’s fully-managed solution, LTN Wave, to deliver high-value live content to multiple endpoints cost-efficiently and reliably.

In this presentation, LTN will introduce audiences to the LTN Network, exploring topics including:

Why leading media businesses and Tier 1 organizations are shifting to IP-based terrestrial transmission as an effective alternative to satellite or fiber.

How the LTN Network’s unique architecture and patented technologies overcome the challenges of global internet-based delivery for high-quality live video.

How the LTN Network enables seamless interoperability with other protocols and first- and last-mile technologies such as SRT, RIST, or Zixi.

How LTN enabled major media companies including Deutsche Welle and MSG Networks to transition from satellite to IP distribution, driving greater cost-efficiency, reach, and flexibility.

How IP-based distribution can unlock new content versioning, regionalization, advanced advertising and content replacement capabilities – directly within the transmission network.